Population statistics for Israeli Gaza Strip settlements


Israeli Settlements in the Gaza Strip

Name Population 2006**** Population 2001*** Population 2000** Population 1999* Date of Establishment
Bedolah 0 180 184 197 1982/1986+
Bnei Atzmon 0 547 497 475 1979
Dugit 0 66 61 53 1990*
Elei Sinai 0 344 334 324 1982
Gadid 0 272 289 259 1982
Gan Or 0 269 267 261 1982/1983+
Ganei Tal 0 279 287 277 1979/1977+
Katif 0 329 317 296 1978
Kfar Darom 0 276 244 242 1970/1990+
Kfar Yam N/A N/A N/A N/A
Morag 0 151 146 142 1982/1987/1972
Netzarim 0 386 347 297 1980/1992/1972
Neve Dekalim 0 2,370 2,280 2,230 1982/1983/1980
Netzer Hazani 0 314 312 301 1973/1977+
Nisanit 0 932 874 750 1985/1984/1982
Pe'at Sade 0 110 110 106 1989*
Rafiah Yam 0 134 129 127 1984
Total: 0 6,959 6,678 6,337  


Population Statistic Sources

  1. * Source: List of Localities: Their Population and Codes, 31.12.1999. Jerusalem: Central Bureau of Statistics, 2000.
  2. ** Source: List of Localities: Their Population and Codes, 31.12.2000. Jerusalem: Central Bureau of Statistics, 2001.
  3. *** Source: Peace Now Settlement Watch for 31.12.2001
  4. **** After evacuation by the Israeli government, in which all Israeli settlers in Gaza were removed

Settlement Date Sources

  1. The first date is given by the Settlement Division of the Zionist Organization.
  2. The second date is given by the Yesha Council of Jewish Communities in Judea, Samaria and Gaza.
  3. Third dates are from Peace Now.

See also

External links